
Portfolio Full Lips by Nancy Akbari

You can see this page for Nancy Akbari’s Full Lips portfolio.

If you want your face to be fresh even after waking up, come to me and I will do full lips for you. In the Full Lips method, two colors are used to perform the work, and the colored particles are delicately injected into the lips by a special device and thin needles.

Full Lips is a semi-permanent method and lasts for about three years. If work is done with up-to-date techniques and quality materials are used, the durability of the work will increase. In addition, full lips are performed without pain and swelling.

Be sure to go to a specialist to do full lips. Because the swelling caused by incorrect injection does not go away easily.

You can see examples of my full lip work on this page. This work is completely natural.

ArtistNancy Akbari

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